During the last two weeks of class I attended a total of three presentations about New Media for extra credit opportunities. I have to say that all three presentations were impressive. I do have a personal favorite, but I won't talk about that on the internet.
The third presentation I saw was by a professor whose last name I believe was Dorsten. The main focus of the presentation was the manner in which public relations have been changing due to new media. We watched a video in which Charmin set up deluxe bathrooms somewhere around Times Square New York. This was incredibly strange, but also a good way to generate buzz for their products at the same time. I personally would feel highly uncomfortable going to bathrooms filled with tourists, but then again, I am not the average consumer.
Anyway I would be interested in taking a course along these lines. I don't even want to think about the future, but a job in public relations would most certainly not be the worst case scenario for my one and only existence. It was informative. She engaged the students. It was an effective presentation. I will be interested to see what the Speech Department decides upon after seeing all three presentations. Even though it won't affect my future, I have my fingers crossed my candidate gets picked. It's kind of like survivor, except without an internet forum of people who take satellite photos to try and determine what is going to happen.
Thanks much for the feedback on the candidates. And, no, a job in public relations would not be the worst job in the world. Any position that pays you to be creative and to write is not half bad. And the pay in PR is considerably higher than the pay scale in journalism.