Sunday, February 6, 2011

Choose anew, please evolve, take flight.

Yes. It that's time in space time. Time for the human race to disregard this self-imposed failed asceticism and and pseudo-puritanical fake morality. Yes I went there. Every time we face a major paradigm shift people all over the planet panic for no logical reason. This is a problem. We live in a culture predicated upon a set of false assumptions. When Elvis danced on the Ed Sullivan Show it did not promote anarchy. There were not wild copulations in the streets of Chicago... at least to my knowledge.

When it comes to this youth generation's media fixation people are up in arms. Children are living increasingly sedentary lives which lead to childhood obesity. Youths no longer know how to properly socialize because they spend all their time in Facebook. What has technology done to us, made us into a bunch of mindless cyborgs? NO.

Let me tell everyone who isn't down with progress a little something. Rockefeller, literally the richest man in the world at one point, had toothaches because he couldn't get anesthesia at the dentist. That's right... Let that sink in. A common person now has a higher quality of life than Rockefeller in some respects thanks to progress. What a terrible world we've created for ourselves... not. P.S. We literally need to advance enough as a species to escape this planet or we'll be none to happy when our sun explodes. True story.

Parents need to take some responsibility.  If your child is addicted to media, then set some limitations. Take your child outside exercise with you. Your child with base his or her entire ontological framework on how you act as a parent. My parents fed me fruit rolls ups and Mountain Dew when I was a child. Whose fault would it be if I had high blood sugar? Parents obviously. No child is going to innately know how to or have any desire to moderate himself. Youth is all about the id, parents have to be the rational mediator.

Progress is going to happen whether we like it or not. There is nothing "unnatural" about any of it. Everything that exists in this universe is by definition a part of the natural world. We're just an extension of the laws and processes set forth by the Big Bang. I want to see how far we can take it. Come one everyone, let's create something better than ourselves and escape this dust rock in a billion or so years. Look at the bigger picture. We can do so much more if we stop holding ourselves back.

Forsan et haec olim meninisse iuvabit.


  1. "Parents have to be the rational mediator"
    Great point; the world would be a better place if more parents would do exactly that.

    Tu ne cede malis, sed contra audentior ito.

  2. @Brett & @Peggy-- But what do we do if parents consistently refuse to take responsibility for their kids and the garbage they are being exposed to via the Internet? It is not as if a lax or permissive attitude towards regulating kids' behavior online has no broader consequences for society. For instance, a child who is repeatedly exposed to violent video games might become desensitized to violence and less likely to respond appropriately to the pain of people in their lives.

  3. I think it might work require people to opt in, rather than out, of the materials that are potentially harmful. Without taking the rights totally away from parents, perhaps making them jump through some hoops of the v-chip sort to turn the more harsh stuff ON would at least trim out the total slacker parent influences. I realize savvy kids can hack their way in to all things electronic if so inclined. But parents who have to fire up a specific permission might fail to do so, allowing at least the younger faction some protection from inappropriate content. I think the Internet should have open access at a G-rated level, and all racier content should require an access ID--like a drivers license number. Why not use gate-keeping for good? We do this with purchasing alcohol.
